Saturday 19 May 2012


   Resources to get you started;
 This is the website of the Australian National Archives; archives are the records kept, like a photo or a document, of important events. Archives are historical documents that may not seem important at the time, but are kept for future generations to think about and access. When we look at our past, it helps us to see our present situation clearer. for example; We all have the right to vote now,(if we are 18) but has it always been this way?? Our archives can help us find the answers through documents and photos. Have a look around and find an artifact or document that interests you.

     I found this photo. I thought that it was interesting because it is of a person voting, but it is in an unadorned room, with no sign writing anywhere. I know that now when you go to vote anywhere in Melbourne, there is AEC "branding' or writing over everything. This looks so simple and it made me think about how things have changed.


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