Saturday 19 May 2012

The Assignment for this Unit of Work;

Student Group and Individual Assignment;
Class 5/6.  Voting, Elections and Democracy in Australia
Each class member will need to address three different activities for assessment;
1.     The creation of a minimum of 3 blog entries (25%)  These should reflect your learning. For example; what questions has your research raised? Where did you find the answers ? Good websites you have found that you can share with the class etc. These can be completely creative, make a link to something interesting, something you have discovered, something relevant to your inquiry topic.

2.     Personal Learning of topic
    200 word written piece on your topic.
·         This must address the key issues of your chosen Project;
·         This should be word processed with correct spelling and grammar. You may include some Dot points. (50%)
·         Must have 3 separate references. (Where you found your information). You may include some Dot points. (50%) Information about referencing can be found in the handout that has been given to the class. You can also ask the Teacher for help with these, or ask for help on the Blog.
Collaborative group
3.     Group presentation of Project and Learning. (Peer assessed.)(25%) This presentation can take any form that you like. Some examples may be a large Class poster format, a Power-point, a play or role play or maybe a class book for the class library.
·         You will need to discuss this in your collaborative group and decide on this democratically
·        . You may also choose more than one way of presenting your learning.
·        Presentations to the class will be peer assessed and all members of the group need to be involved in the presentation.
Good luck! Don’t forget to check the Blog for additional information, or for asking questions!!

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